Clarke and Simpson – The Monday Sale – Our Weekly Auction
Our weekly auction occurs nearly every Monday throughout the year. It’s a very traditional country auction and generates an exciting and unique atmosphere. We sell between 800 and 1,200 lots from our salerooms and outside space each week, often with three or four auctioneers busy at one time.
All rooms now live online every week at https://auctions.clarkeandsimpson.co.uk/auctions.
If you need a mower to cut the grass, or a table and chairs… this is the place. You can even find a sofa to relax in as you watch your favourite programme on a newly purchased TV.
If you don’t need any of these things, come along just for the fun of it instead. Take part in this quintessentially country affair and perhaps stock up on supplies from the wide range of trade stalls that attend each week. And enjoy a cup of tea and homemade cake from the “Tea Shop” while you’re here too!
Every Friday evening, the catalogue for the following Monday’s sale will be available to download. Viewing for the weekly auction is on the preceding Saturday between 9.00 a.m. and 12.00 noon, and on the morning of the sale from 8.30 a.m. Catalogues are also available from the centre during viewing times.
All Monday Sales commence at 10.00am
Please note as of 1st January 2024 we are unable to accept cash as payment for items purchased.

The Monday Sale - 17th February 2025
Our next General sale will be on Monday 17th February 2025
Viewing for this auction will be held on Saturday 15th February 2025 between 9am and 12 noon, and the morning of the sale from 8:30am.
Live online bidding will be available via auctions.clarkeandsimpson.co.uk, the-Saleroom.com and i-bidder.com